Death to Best Practice: Insights From Our Creative Lead in MediaCat Magazine

Disruptive marketing and being an industry disruptor are often misunderstood, but they’re distinct strategies. In an insightful piece by Geoff Chang, Editorial Lead, he clarifies that disruptive marketing leverages standout creativity to outmanoeuvre larger competitors, even within tight constraints. This approach is all about making noise and capturing attention, similar to how Avis positioned itself against Hertz. In contrast, being an industry disruptor means solving widespread problems within a category, challenging the status quo, and driving significant behavioural changes among consumers. Both strategies are rooted in a shared philosophy: doing things differently.

As Geoff highlights, true disruption involves embracing tension and conflict, challenging conventional wisdom, and pushing creative boundaries. It’s not just about being different for the sake of it; it’s about applying strategic insights to create impactful and memorable work. Drawing inspiration from diverse sources and remixing ideas in unexpected ways can lead to genuine innovation. However, it’s important to remember that disruption isn’t always loud—it can also be subtle and relative to the brand’s context. As brands grow, they may transition from challengers to industry leaders, showcasing the dynamic nature of disruption.

Click here to read the full article and explore how your brand can adopt disruptive thinking.