Exploring the Mega Shoot

The eight&four 'Mega Shoot' is an opportunity for brands to capture content to support the entirety of the customer journey. It requires meticulous planning and management across every phase, from pre to post production. The Watches of Switzerland challenge was two-fold: beautiful styling and hard-working assets.

Our challenge was set: craft a year’s worth of content in less than a week of shooting:

  • Content was needed across the board - from in-store and print, to web, CRM and social
  • Working across brands, each with their distinct look, feel and heritage
  • Multi-stakeholder involvement, this was a cross-departmental brief
  • Balance lifestyle and product to support full funnel marketing activity

Mappin & Webb 

For this quintessentially British brand, founded in 1775, we crafted the concept of Timeless Contemporary. Our art direction contrasted timeless style and luxury - grand settings, classic wardrobes - with a modern, contemporary attitude - shown through bold and unexpected poses. Meticulously curated settings and harmonised wardrobe allowed the jewellery to take centre stage; to draw the eye, as the spark that made the moment pop. 


For a brand that is all about self-expression, offering a range of luxury jewellery wide enough to fit any personality and elevate any moment, we created the lens of ‘Shine On’. Focusing on pure self-expression, our concept followed four characters’ stories - pairing unique pieces with the eclectic moments they elevated, from chic soiree to bossing it at work. Golden, directional light reflected the power of a range of jewellery that lets your personality shine.

Our Production approach follows 4 core pillars: Pre, During, Post and Augment.

Led by our specialist pre-prod team, we worked with the client to identify the key channels, formats and content objectives for the Mega Shoot. Shoot time is chaotic, our approach is to plan for both agility and achievement. In the pre-phase we carefully selected flexible locations, talent and sets to suit the needs and pace of this project.

The on-shoot approach saw us take 2 dedicated crews, each focused on delivering for their brand. Tight-knit teams, stake-holder approval processes and working at pace were critical to the success of our production phase.

The eight&four post-production approach combines delivery success leadership with technology to support what was in this case over 900 assets.

Using our brand world image generator tool Coach, our 4th phase is augmentation. This is about expanding our ability to deliver creativity. To find out more about how we combine original shoot production with GenAI see our Platform12 page.

Next Project

Solving Key Challenges in End-to-End Content Production with GenAI